5 Easy & Natural Remedies to Treat Cold at Home

Cold is something that one can do nothing to avoid. Whoever has said that you can do nothing to prevent flu, couldn’t have been more correct. It is true that we can do nothing to prevent its occurrence because it can affect anyone. Most of the times we get cold because of a sudden change in weather or when we keep oscillating between places with temperature differences. Suppose, you come back from the afternoon heat and enter your home and turn on the air conditioner immediately. That’s it; you have successfully created the most conducive environment for you to catch cold. This is because, our body doesn’t get enough time to adapt to the temperature changes and this is exactly when the viruses around, end up attacking us. The result? Headache, runny nose, headache, high fever, sore throat, incessant coughing, and so on.

While there’s nothing you can do to effectively cure cold, there are cures that one can follow to treat the symptoms that come along with a cold. There’s nothing alarming about normal flu; however, if left untreated, it can turn into something as severe as bronchitis, strep throat, or pneumonia. Without jumping on heavy antibiotics, you can try to go for several home remedies that can provide you with relief from the symptoms of common cold, that too without side effects! In this article, we will tell you about some of the most amazing natural remedies, for treating cold.


Garlic is one of the best kept secrets when it comes to home remedies for it is loaded with several antibacterial and antiviral properties. It can be extremely helpful in getting rid of symptoms related to flu. It improves your immune system and helps in clearing your respiratory passages, and also flushes toxins out of your body.

  • Just take one crushed garlic clove and mix it with two teaspoons of lemon juice, one teaspoon of honey, and half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper or red chili powder. Consume it daily till you start feeling better.
  • Take four to five garlic cloves and boil it in a cup of water and add one teaspoon of honey to it. Drink it at least 2 to 3 times a day.
  • Additionally, you can also consume raw garlic or put a few drops of garlic oil in your food and drinks till your symptoms of cold start subsiding.


Honey can soothe your sore and affected throat amazingly and can at the same time reduce the lifespan of cold. This is possible because honey is packed with several nutrients and enzymes that help in battling cold by killing the viruses and bacteria that cause the infection.

  • The easiest way to have honey during cold is by taking a teaspoon lemon juice and mixing it with two teaspoons of honey. Have it every two hours to get relief from cold and sore throat.
  • You can also swallow a spoonful of raw honey to get similar benefits.


Ginger is very helpful in treating common cold and the symptoms that come along with it. This is possible because it is loaded with antiviral, expectorant, and anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Consume raw ginger or drink ginger tea as many times a day as possible. For added benefits, add lemon juice and honey to it.
  • Make a paste of ginger, cloves and salt and keep it handy. Have one and a half teaspoon of this paste two times a day to treat your cold.
  • If you are suffering from runny nose, mix equal amounts of dry ginger powder, ghee, and jiggery. Have this mixture every day in the morning on an empty stomach to get rid of runny nose at the earliest.

Masala Chai or Spice Tea

Masala chai is a highly potent ayurvedic remedy to effectively cure common cold. Follow the below procedure to make a proper masala chai.

  • Dry roast and grind a quarter cup of coriander seeds, one and a half tablespoons of cumin and fennel seeds, and one fourth teaspoon of fenugreek seeds.
  • Boil a cup of water and add one and a half tablespoon of the about made spice powder to it.
  • Put one and a half teaspoon of rock candy or misri to it as well. Let the water simmer for a few minutes.
  • Add two tablespoons of milk to it; bring the solution to a boil and then strain it.
  • Have this masala chai every day till the symptoms of cold subside.


Taking steam can also soothe your system by loosening the phlegm inside your throat. Simply stand in the bathroom with hot water running. You can also heat water in a wide bowl and then inhale the hot fumes for at least 10 to 15 minutes. For better results, you can add eucalyptus oil to it.

So, these were some of the most effective home remedies to get rid of common flu. Try them to soothe your system and get better at the earliest.

Top Surprising Myths about Food which are Not True!

The world of food and nutrition is filled with many opinions. While there are some food theories we’ve heard from our mothers and grandmothers, while growing up, others have been a result of research and in depth study of food. While some theories are true and are backed by plausible data, there are a few myths which have been doing rounds but are in fact not true at all.
Here are the top foods myths most people believe to be true bur are in fact quite inaccurate:

Eggs Damage the Heart

While it’s true that eggs are a rich source of cholesterol and cholesterol also leads to clogging up arteries in the heart, however deeming eggs as harmful substance for your heart is not true. Eggs might be high in cholesterol but eating them only indicates our body to produce lesser cholesterol itself. However, the harmful substances are found in trans-fat and saturated fat. Eggs themselves are Trans fat free and eating an egg would be a healthier option. However, cholesterol intake should be limited and you should distribute eggs over a course of a week than consuming 2-3 eggs in a day.

Carbohydrates are Fattening

Many people avoid carbs all together thinking it’s what causes them to gain weight. One shouldn’t think of cutting down even the good carbs such as beans, whole grains, fruit and vegetables because then you’re robbing the body of nutrients and fibres. What causes excessive weight gain is the consumption of higher calories and not due to eating carbohydrates. Next time you feel like indulging in pasta or pizza now and then, make use of dominos coupons and earn cash back and discounts. You can compensate the increased calories by eating healthy and rewarding yourself with pizza from time to time.

Calories Consumed at night Lead to Weight Gain

Another myth doing rounds is that eating a heavy dinner or consuming calories at night leads to faster weight gain as the body burns off the calories it consumes during the day. This is a myth as calories can’t tell time; the body can’t tell which calories were consumed at night. If you’ve pounded extra calories at night, they’ll be stored up and used the next day when you’re on your feet again. As long as you compensate with physical activity and exercise, eating calories at night will not lead to weight gain.

Eating smaller, frequent meals is healthier

Some schools of thought argue that eating six smaller meals rather than two heavy meals leads to lesser weight gain. This again isn’t true and a research done on two groups of people found that those eating two proper meals reduced weight easily as compared to those who ate more frequently. However, eating snacks between meals might prevent your hunger from building up too much and preventing you from gorging. Hence, it is important for you to plan your diet eating habits according to what suits you best.

Going on a Liquid diet will cleanse the Body

Many are of the believe that having just a liquid diet comprising water, green tea and juice will help wash away toxins and cleanse the body and is a necessary practice one should follow. However your body has its own cleansing system- the liver, kidneys and spleen and there is no authentic study to verify that drinking large amounts of liquids increases the efficiency of the liver. If you’ve been on a liquid diet and are craving for hot food, just use foodpanda coupons from Cashkaro to earn additional cash back over discounts.

Red Wine is the Only Alcohol that is Good

Researchers have found that consuming alcoholic beverages in moderate amounts can have a positive effect on the health and not just red wine. However the amount of alcohol should be in limits. Alcoholic drinks contain ethanol that helps produce good cholesterol which in turn reduces heart risks. Hence as long as your quantity is in check, drink away!

These health and food myths have been doing rounds for ages and it’s always recommended to be sure what you choose to believe about food. Some myths are better busted so you don’t fall in the false trap of what’s healthy and what’s not and you can always give your body the best it deserves.

15 Foods with Almost No Calories and a Ton of Nutrients

If you want to lose weight and keep it off, the only way to successfully do so is by reducing your caloric intake and burning more calories than you consume. It’s as simple as that; however, while this weight loss equation may sound easy, it can be a lot harder than it seems.

It seems that foods that are low in calories either don’t offer enough nutrients, or they don’t fill you up; thus, you end up grabbing for foods that are higher in calories than you’d like because you can’t seem to satiate your hunger pangs.

Well, you don’t have to run for those calorie-packed foods anymore. Here are 15 foods that are actually packed with nutrients and are virtually calorie-free.

  1. Asparagus – You may have hated it when you were a kid, but give it another try now that you’re an adult. Your taste buds change, so you’ll more than likely enjoy the flavor, and this nutrient-dense veggie on has 27 calories per cup!
  2. Brussel Sprouts – With just 38 calories per serving, phytonutrients and fiber, you can fill up on Brussel Sprouts and not feel bad about it.
  3. Arugula – This may be a food that you haven’t given much thought to before, but it is one that you should certainly think a lot more about. Arugula packs a ton of flavor – and nutrients – into virtually no calories. There’s only 4 calories per cup of this peppery-tasting leafy green, and it’s packed with potassium, fiber and vitamins.
  4. Broccoli – Your mom knew what she was talking about when she said to eat your broccoli. With only 31 calories per cup and tons of nutrients, this veggie is super good for you.
  5. Cauliflower – This cruciferous veggie boasts cancer-fighting nutrients, as well as vitamins, is filling and has virtually no calories.
  6. Cabbage ­–It only has 22 calories per cup, it contains cancer-fighting nutrients, as well as tons of vitamins and it’s sweet and crunchy.
  7. Lettuce – Bring on any type of leafy green lettuce and you’ll feel full without gaining a pound. At only 5 calories per cup and bursting with nutrients, this is definitely a veggie you’ll want to get more of.
  8. Beets – They’re delicious, they’re healthy, they’re low in calories AND they’re beautiful. Beets have just 37 calories per ½ cup serving.
  9. Coffee – Bring on that morning cup of coffee (or two or three). Coffee contains no calories, yet it contains many elements that prevent cancer, diabetes and even Parkinson’s disease.
  10. Grapefruit – This diet-lover food has just 39 calories per half and it actually helps to burn calories! Plus, it contains lots of good-for-you nutrients.
  11. Mushrooms – Tasty, satiating and good with almost anything, mushrooms are super low in calories and have a ton of nutrients.
  12. Tomatoes – 22 calories per medium-sized tomatoes plus lycopene makes tomatoes a great choice.
  13. Watercress – It’s refreshing, it’s tasty and it only has 4 calories per cup.
  14. Lemons – 20 calories per lemon and packed with vitamin C, this is a great diet-friendly food.
  15. Kale – It’s more than just a garnish; kale is nutrient dense and only has 5 calories per cup.


Ginger’s Properties to Prevent Hair Loss & DIY Ginger Mask

Very few species are as therapeutic and beneficial to health and beauty as this traditional Chinese plant.  

It is rich in essential oils, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids.  It is also an ideal hair loss treatment.

Ginger’s health properties have been known of and appreciated since ancient times.  The natural richness of its compounds make it perfect for the following areas:

  • Reduces rheumatic and menstrual pain.
  • Perfect for the flu and colds.
  • Improves cardiovascular problems.
  • Ginger is also a good natural anti-depressant.
  • Reduces stress.
  • Improves digestion.

Regarding ginger’s properties for preventing hair loss and stimulating hair growth, this can be seen in the following ways:

  • Ginger possesses a wonderful natural capacity for stimulating blood flow to the scalp, promoting circulation and thereby stimulating hair follicles and growth.  The fatty acids in ginger root are excellent for thin hair, promotion restoration and good hair care.
  • As you already know, dandruff can also at times promote hair loss.  We generally spend money on products to prevent this, but a lot of these chemical products could at times, be ineffective, or even cause allergies.  Ginger, on the other hand, is an excellent remedy for eliminating dandruff.  Thanks to its natural antiseptic properties, it becomes the perfect supplement that you should not go without.

How to make a ginger mask

This simple ginger remedy should be used every other day for one month.  It will be more effective if you massage it in for at least 15 minutes, thereby allowing the mixture to be well absorbed into your hair follicles.  Let’s take a look at the ingredients and how to prepare it.

What you will need:

  • One tablespoon of grated ginger
  • One tablespoon of jojoba oil (or olive oil)

How to prepare it:

  • It’s easy.  Start by taking a piece of ginger and grating it into a heaping tablespoon.
  • Then, prepare the tablespoon of jojoba oil.  You can find this oil in natural food stores or in pharmacies, but at any rate, if you don’t have any on hand, olive oil will work too.
  • Add the ingredients in a cup and mix well so that everything creates a uniform and oily paste.  It will smell really good, with the typically acidic fragrance that ginger has.
  • Now apply it to moist hair.  You absolutely must give yourself a deep and energetic massage, massaging your scalp well to stimulate blood flow.  Try to dedicate 15 minutes to it.
  • Slowly you will begin to feel warmth in your hair, which is a sign that the ginger is going to work.  Wait for 5 minutes before rinsing your hair.  Once you do rinse, use warm water that is not too hot.  This will provide the best results.
  • As you already know, this simple, ginger-based remedy will be useful not only to prevent your hair from falling out, but also for strengthening it and preventing dandruff.  Be consistent, alternating days for one month.  You will definitely get great results.

German Elixir you Have NOT Heard about: Treats Clogged Arteries, Kidney Stones, High Cholesterol …

The main purpose of the German elixir is treating and preventing clogging of the arteries (atherosclerosis), regulating high cholesterol, treating infections and colds, intensely strengthening the immune system, liver cleansing…

This powerful drink contains only four ingredients.


4 large garlic cloves
4 whole lemons with skin (lemons should not be treated with chemicals)
small ginger root (about 1 ½ – 2 inches) or two tablespoons if grated
½ Gallon of water


Wash the lemons and cut them into pieces. Peel the garlic and put it together with the lemon and ginger into the blender and mix well until you get a compact mixture. Put the mixture in a metal cooking pan, pour ½ gallon of water and stir until boiling. At the end, allow to cool. Strain through a dense medium strainer and pour into a glass bottle.

This drink is consumed every day, one cup, at least 2 hours before meals or on a completely empty stomach. Keep the drink refrigerated.

The treatment with this elixir lasts 3 weeks, with a daily consumption of one cup. After that, you should take a break for a week and then continue with consumption in the same cycle.

If you don’t like the taste you can add honey.

After 3 weeks of using this drink, you will feel your body significantly recovered and rejuvenated. This drink is useful especially in the prevention of calcifications in the body which causes the formation of kidney stones as well as the vascular congestion.

Drink Water With Honey And Lemon Every Morning For A Year And See The Results Are Phenomenal

History their incredible transformation story Crystal Davis. Her story reveals how rare methods can give great results A year ago Crystal hard says from the flu. Drugs from pharmacies weren’t especially efficient. One woman, she recommended drink hot water with honey and lemon every morning. “Of course, I reacted skeptically, but I take. Flu passes, but this potion really liked, so I started him drink every day. And do already year, “says Crystal 

Here what at her changed?

1) Year he once caught cold, no plague more pain in the belly
Whole life Crystal is sick. Never trust strength national medicine. Was robbing pharmacies.
“Since drink this potion for whole year I didn’t even once sneezed. My headaches are past. Now wear honey and lemon wherever go. Drink that potion even a hotel, “insists Crystal
2) No longer drink morning coffee, but very easy he
“My lemon-honey cocktail delivered me from dependence on coffee. Earlier I completely awake yet, it needs nearly an hour. Now have more energy in a day. Great sleep and I am smiling morning “.

3) People in its outskirts became healthier
Crystal convinced the whole family to following her example.


To drink a glass of lemon squeeze half, add a teaspoon of honey. All pour warm boiled water.
This drink should drink every morning, after waking up
the taste of this cocktail can be changed: it all depends on honey and lemon, which consume.
Sometimes it’s sour, sometimes a doll. “My lemon-honey cocktail delivered me from dependence on coffee.

How this potion works?

Protects against urinary tract infections
Lemon and honey stimulates the work of the digestive tract, but also hydrate the colon. The infusion is diuretic, and the result is an excellent remedy against constipation and cystitis.
Improve digestion
Every part of this beverage helps your digestive tract. Lemon helps bile to produce more bile. Thus, foods processed better, and you get them more nutrients. Honey has powerful antibacterial properties, thus excellently protects you from any kind of infection. Also, forcing the stomach to produce more juice, which allow the body to more efficiently eliminate toxins. For this same reason it is easier to control your weight.
Clean blood and keeps skin
Lemon has many benefits for the skin, and helps to purify the blood. The body, if you “feed” lemon, quickly produces new blood cells. The water stimulates the production of collagen, which is very beneficial for your skin.

4 Powerful Drinks That Can Help You Melt the Fat From the Stomach

Always remember that no drink can help you melt belly fat if you do not exercise! Certain flavored drinks can help you get a nicer body line without eating many calories, and these also aid in the digestion process.

Make them at home and make sure you use all-natural and organic ingredients that are not loaded with sugars and other additives.

Flavored Water

Water is your best friend when it comes to your health, regardless of whether you follow a strict diet regimen or not. It stimulates food digestion and absorption and helps in the elimination of waste material from your kidneys and intestines. It will also keep you sated for longer.

If you do not like plain water, “enrich” it by adding some lemon juice. This combination has the same composition as gastric acid. You can also add some grated ginger – it will boost your metabolism. Fresh cucumber slices can also do the job and you will sure enjoy the recommended daily amount of water with no problem.

Mint Tea

Mint helps the stomach absorb grease and it also soothes the digestive tract. Mint has strong diuretic effect, it boosts the metabolism and decreases appetite. Moreover, it also helps you maintain your oral hygiene, because of its aromatic oils that freshen breath. This is why almost all natural toothpastes contain mint.

Pineapple Smoothie

Pineapple contain bromelain, an enzyme that aids in the digestion of protein. It will stimulate digestion and eliminate bloating. You can always add some flaxseed oil and increase its power.

Green Tea

Most of the polyphenols in green tea are catechins, which are great when it comes to melting fat. Drink green tea before your workout. Focus more on aerobic exercises, as these boost the fat melting process. If you need a reason more to replace at least one  cup of coffee with green tea, check this one.

Green tea has the ability to decrease cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of cancer. In addition to this, green tea is also great for diabetics and individuals who struggle with stress every day. Drink more green tea to protect your teeth from viral infections.

Source: www.forhealthbenefits.com
(Obtained permission from the content owner)

Green Tea With Orange For Instant Slimming

Green tea is especially amazing for cleansing the whole organism and maintaining vitality.

Adding orange and peppermint in green tea is the recipe for the drink that accelerates metabolism and cleanses the organism. It’s ideal for those who want to lose weight.

Drinking only  one cup of green tea makes wonders- accelerates the metabolism for 12 % , regulates the sugar in the blood, reduces the risk of heart attack and various types of tumors, increases immunity  , so as the mood.

If you aren’t a fan of its taste, adding flavors like orange and peppermint will help you fall in love with this drink.


  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 orange
  • 5 teabags green tea
  • Fresh peppermint


Add 5 teabags green tea in boiled water. Let it stay for 3 minutes and then lei it cold. Slice one orange. Leave the white part of the peel. Put the tea in a big jar and add the slices and the peppermint.

Then, close  the jar tightly and leave the ingredients to unite well during the night. One person can drink half of the amount in the jar during the next day.

Take this drink before every meal for great results.

Top 3 Juices for Full Body Detox and Extra Energy

Living in a quick paced world, it is of essential significance to prepare solid beverages that can totally change your life by detoxifying your whole body and issuing you additional vitality for regular exercises. Customary admission of fresh fruits rapidly revitalizes your body issuing all of you the imperativeness you require.

Find the juice formulas that will help you dispose of poisons and free radicals, detoxify your body effortlessly and expand your vitality level inside minutes.

These invigorating formulas contain a considerable measure of supplements useful for your general health. They additionally have huge impact on the immune system and weight reduction plan.

Besides they help cleanse your blood and body in light of the fact that the fixings utilized for their planning have important anti-tumor impact and keep the advancement of tumors and disease cells.

They can be appreciated as either a morning wake-up tonic or an evening refresher. These juices will likewise help your workout performance.

Drink these solid juices like supper substitution and appreciate the extravagance of the flavor they offer.

Use an assortment of mineral dense fruits and vegetables and help your body discharge free radicals from your body in a characteristic manner. This will help your skin shine and look more youthful and slow down the aging procedure.

Choose which of the 3 inconceivable invigorating juices is your most loved one, and remember that they are heavenly.

The kind of each of the juices will immediately help you feel healthier and conscious. All the juices are brilliant answer for purging as they push the poisons out of your system.

Detox Juice 1

This juice provides complete detoxification and when consumed regularly it can aid in the treatment of life-threatening diseases of modern times.

It is an amazing prevention against heart attack and anemia; it protects heart and stimulates brain function:


  • 1 beetroot
  • 1 kale leaf
  • 1 carrot
  • ½ apple
  • ½ lemon, juiced


Wash the ingredients well and juice them. Serve in a highball glass and always drink it fresh.

Detox Drink 2

This fresh and vibrant looking juice detoxifies liver, colon and kidneys. It stimulates the production of serotonin, the hormone of happiness, and boosts immunity instantly.

It relieves allergy symptoms and stress naturally.


  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 lemon, juiced
  • 2 carrots
  • ginger, a small piece
  • 1/3 water


First, grate your ginger root. Juice it with the rest of the ingredients.

Detox Drink 3

This juice recipe is one of the best ways to detox your body and boost your energy. It improves overall health and prevents many ailments, including diabetes, insomnia, anxiety, depression, indigestion, and the like.

Drink it regularly to inhibit the growth of breast and prostate cancer.


  • 1 green apple
  • 1 cup broccoli, chopped
  • 1 kiwi
  • a handful of spinach
  • ½ bunch parsley
  • ½ cup water


Clean the ingredients well and juice them in a high-power juicer.


Source: www.healthyfoodstyle.com

How to Make Lavender Lemonade to Get Rid Headaches and Anxiety

Flavoring your lemonade with lavender is an awesome way to use the astounding therapeutic properties of lavender. Lavender is a glorious sweet-smelling herb that calms the senses.

Pure lavender oil is great essential oil to use for your own particular wellbeing. It’s among the gentlest of essential oils, additionally a standout amongst the most capable, making it favourite among families for the mending properties and employments of lavender essential oil.

Lavender oil has an artificially complex structure with more than 150 dynamic constituents, which clarifies its adequacy at assisting with a great deal of wellbeing infirmities.

Lavender oil has stunning mitigating, anti-fungal, antidepressant, germ-free, antibacterial, antimicrobial, antispasmodic, pain relieving, detoxifier, hypotensive, and sedative properties.

Florida specialists have found that lavender oil advantages incorporate decreasing tension and bringing down heartbeat rates in nursing students taking stressful tests. And in hospital settings, lavender aromatherapy has been demonstrated to decrease pre-surgery distress and to be more relaxing than massage.(1)

Lavender essential oil also has restorative properties. It has been indicated to lessen melancholy, enhance sleep deprivation and simplify labor pain. Furthermore, anecdotal evidence recommends that lavender oil advantages those with cerebral pains, headaches, sinus clogging and torment alleviation.

An earlier research on lavender has concentrated on the organization of lavender by means of an olfactory course. The anxiolytic action of lavender olfaction has been exhibited in a few little and medium-sized clinical trials. (46-53)

The viability of fragrant healing of lavender is thought to be because of the mental impacts of the scent consolidated with physiological impacts of unstable oils in the limbic system.(54)

These calming impacts of lavender oil and single constituents may be the starting point of the customary utilization of lavender. Lavender oil olfaction has been indicated to lessen anxiety, as measured by the Hamilton rating scale, and can build mood scores.

The accompanying are chosen cases of clinical trials on lavender fragrance based treatment:

  • Dunn and partners showed anxiolytic movement of lavender oil fragrance based treatment in patients in concentrated consideration units. Subjects got no less than 1 session of fragrant healing with 1% lavender essential oil. Critical anxiolytic impacts were noted in the 1st treatment, however 2nd and 3rd medications did not seem, by all accounts, to be as effective. (47)
  • Alaoui-Ismaili and partners found that the smell of lavender is considered by subjects to be extremely charming and is associated with changes in the autonomic nervous system. (56)

Tysoe and partners led an investigation of lavender oil in burner use on staff mood and stress in a healing facility setting. A critical number of respondents (85%) accepted that lavender fragrance enhanced the workplace taking after the utilization of the lavender oil burners. (57)

Diego and partners showed that individuals getting lavender oil (10%) olfaction for 3 minutes felt altogether more casual and had diminished tension scores, better mood and expanded scores of alpha power on EEG (a pointer of alertness), and expanded velocity of scientific calculations.(58)

Lewith and associates explored the impacts of lavender fragrant healing on depressed state of mind and tension in female patients being treated with chronic hemodialysis. (59) The impacts of fragrance based treatment were measured utilizing the Hamilton rating scale for depression (HAMD) and the Hamilton rating scale for anxiety (HAMA).

Lavender fragrance altogether diminished the mean scores of HAMA, proposing a successful, noninvasive means for the treatment of tension in hemodialysis patients. Lavender fragrant healing, with or without back rub, might likewise diminish the view of agony and the requirement for traditional analgesics in grown-ups and youngsters, however all the more thoroughly controlled trials are needed. (60) (2)

DIY Lavender Lemonade with Lavender Essential Oil


  • Lavender sprigs for garnish
  • 1 cup raw honey
  • 5 cups pure water
  • 6 lemons, peeled and juiced approx.
  • 1 Tbsp. dried, organic culinary lavender (optional one drop of lavender oil where to find)


  1. Pour 1/2 the water in a pan, let it boil and then get it away from the heat
  2. Include the honey and dried lavender and let it steep for more or less 20 minutes.
  3. Strain the blend and fill a bigger container.
  4. Include lemon juice and the remaining water. Blend well
  5. Refrigerate
  6. Different ways you can utilize Lavender for Anxiety and Headaches

Blend 5 to 6 drops of Lavender essential oil to your shower water on the off chance that you have dry skin.

Diffuse 10 to 12 drops of Lavender into the air amid your workday for common anxiety help.

Put 2 drops of Lavender on every ounce of your favourite, gently scented, unrefined organic oil (like almond oil or olive oil) for a body oil with all the advantages of lavender for enhancing your skin, unwinding your brain, avoiding insects or helping you rest.

On the off chance that you need to take in more about Essential Oils, joint this Facebook group about Essential Oils

Source: livingtraditionally.com



40. Aoshima H, Hamamoto K. Potentiation of GABAA receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes by perfume and phytoncid. Biosc Biotechnol Biochem 1999; 63:743-748.
41. Lis-Balchin M, Hart S. Studies on the mode of action of the essential oil of lavender. Phytother Res 1999;13(6):540-542.
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59. Lewith GT, Godfrey AD, Prescott P. A single-blind, randomized pilot study evaluating the aroma of Lavandula angustifolia, as a treatment for mild insomnia. J Altern Complement Med. 2005;11(4):631-637.
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63. Woelk H, Schlaefke S. A multi-center, double-blind, randomised study of the Lavender oil preparation Silexan in comparison to Lorazepam for generalized anxiety disorder. Phytomedicine. 2010;17:94-99.
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65. Stange R, Schaper S, Uehleke B, Dienel A, Schlaefke S. Phase II study on the effects of lavender oil (Silexan) in patients with neurasthenia, posttraumatic stress disorders or somatisation disorder. Focus on Alternative and

The Most Powerful Fruit, Filled With Antioxidants That Has 20 Times More Vitamin C Than Orange Juice, The Liver God…Its This Tiny Fruit!!!

Ayurveda in its numerous treatments and formulations often makes use of a tiny little fruit called amla, and is commonly known as “Indian gooseberry”.

This tangy seasonal fruit has been used for more than 5000 years in India in order to rejuvenate the body and strengthen the immune system. Amla is yellow and green in color and is available during the winter months, when it can grow up to 18 meters.

Antioxidants like vitamin C and polyphenols found in most berries, can provide protection against chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Amla is an excellent source vitamin C, which helprs to destroy free radicals that damage cell membrane.

100 grams of Amla can provide up to 450 milligrams of the vitamin, so its juice can have up to ten times more vitamin C than fresh orange juice. Heat or air can easily destroy vitamin C, but the large concentration of this vitamin that amla contains, protect it from being completely destroyed in the process of preparation.

Amla ( Amalaki fruit) is an extraordinary potent fruit with numerous beneficial properties that serve our health:

1. Stomach ache

Numerous abdominal issues can be solved with this Amalaki fruit, such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, cramps, infections and other digestive problems.

2. Diabetes Prevention

Amla improves the function of the liver, helps in pancreatitis, swelling, pain and the function of the pancreas. Its regular consumption lowers the sugar level in people with type 2 diabetes by regulating the insulin secretion. Namely, study findings proved that only 3 g of amalaki powder is more efficient than many medications used in diabetes treatments.

3. Liver detoxification

It is scientifically proved that amalaki is amazing in cleaning the liver from toxins, especially from negative effects made out of drugs ( especially those against tuberculosis).

4.Cancer Treatments

In the treatment of cancer, antioxidants play a major role. They can even in help in prevention of one, since they help reduce the inflammation and the damage of the cells.

5. Skin recovery

This amazing fruit is used as a treatment against rashes, pimples, acne and other skin problems, including all sorts of inflammations.
6. Stimulating the hair growth

Another advantage of its use is that it will help encourage growth, hydration, protection, shines and softness of your hair. Simply mix Amalaki powder with little warm water, leave it for an hour, and then apply it by massaging on your hair. Leave it for about 30 minutes to 1 hour and then rinse it off. The effects are marvelous!

7. Beautiful skin, hair, nails

As claimed above, this fruit is beneficial for the hair, preventing hair loss, stimulating its growth, prevents appearance of gray hair and is used as a natural remedy against dandruff. In addition, Amalaki helps the regeneration of the tissue, thus making the body feel rejuvenated. As a result, is often found as main ingredient of many products such as shampoos, facial creams, hair masks and others.

How to use these Indian gooseberries and enjoy in their beneficial effect? You have a few options:

1.Fresh amla:

The fresh amla fruit is very tasty and has an amazing flavor with a sprinkling of red chilli powder. You can also enjoy a fresh amla juice, which is a fantastic drink with delicious taste and favorable properties. Its preparation is easy as well: remove the seeds of two amlas and grind them into a paste. Mix the paste with 1 cup of water and use a sieve to strain it. Add 1 – 2 teaspoons of honey and a pinch of salt. The ground amla paste can also be mixed with a blend of spices to make chutneys.

2.Dried amla

Pick the larger variety of amla and chop into small pieces, then sprinkle salt on it and let it dry. When completely dried, store it in an airtight container.

You can also prepare a supari, which can be eaten as a mouth freshener after meals. Simply grate it, and then sprinkle on some ginger juice, lime juice, black / rock salt and spice powders like cumin (jeera)/ carom (ajwain). This mixture should be spread on a tray and left to dry for a couple of days.

3.Preserve amla

You will prefer this option if you are one of those who enjoy murabbas and chutneys. You need to take the smaller variety of amla, boil them, add sugar, spices and salt. Cook this mixture and make a preserve like a marmalade, a jelly, or a jam.

Source/Reference: www.mrhealthylife.com
Other included sources linked in Mr. Healthy Life’s article: www.weeklyhealthylife.com – Original Article Source

Eat More Good Fats and Less Bad Fats

There is a common misunderstanding of the term ‘fat’, so we usually think it is something dangerous to our health and we should eliminate fats from our diet without doubt.

However, the truth is that some unsaturated fats are essential for keeping your body fit. they think of something that is harmful and should be avoided. Popular low- carb diets eliminate fat from the diet, but it is one of the biggest mistakes.

On the other hand, a low- fat diet is the key to success, as all nutritionists and fitness coaches believe. Our body needs fats because they are part of a balanced diet, so low-fat diets make us more hungry and frustrated. Fats give us baby-smooth skin, energy and provide us with important fatty acids.

Difference between good fats and bad fats

As we concluded, eating fats is healthy, but we must choose the right ones. Most of us replace the essential fats with carbs and then miss out the benefits of the healthy fats.

Well, there are two main categories of fats: saturated and unsaturated fats, and the latter are the good ones which help us to lower the cholesterol levels. These are mostly found in vegetable oils, fish, almond, cashews, etc.

In opposite, the saturated fats are harmful to our health if consumed in larger quantities, for they can clog the arteries, raise the levels of cholesterol and cause obesity. Saturated fats can be found in margarine, high-fat dairy products, meat, microwave popcorn and baked goods.

Overall, we should increase HDL (Good cholesterol) and decrease the LDL (bad cholesterol) in your our diet, and thus we can manage to decrease the risk of heart diseases, obesity and cholesterol problems.

7 foods that contain unsaturated fats

  1. Eggs

In the struggle to preserve our health, we should include eggs in our diet, since they are full of omega-3 acids. These are the healthy and good fats that are essential for your body.

  2. Olive Oil

Olive oil is loaded with healthy fats., so it is recommended to use it in most of your foods. You can use olive oil instead of butter and margarine while baking or when you’re making a salad, add a tablespoon of olive oil in it.

  3. Vegetables

There are large amounts of unsaturated fats found in vegetables like spinach, Brussels sprouts and other dark green ones contain good fats.

  4. Fish

Fish is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are extremely beneficial for our health. Eating fish can reduce the risk of heart diseases and high cholesterol to a great extent. Consumption of fish can also make your brain sharp and healthy.

  5. Seeds

Seeds are another great source of good fats. Flaxseeds are the most popular because they are beneficial for the health of the heart. The flaxseeds can be sprinkled onto any food. Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds and sesame seeds are all packed with healthy fats. You can use combine them with different meals.

  6. Nuts

Nuts are also a rich source of good fats. Among them,  almonds and walnuts are most appreciated, since they are considered to be beneficial for lowering high cholesterol and maintaining a heart-healthy diet.

  7. Avocado

This green fruit is delicious and comes with a lot of other benefits. Namely, avocados are full of healthy fats, they are tasty and full of calories. The consumption of avocado in combination with other foods will help your body absorb the nutrients from the foods.

Source: www.mrhealthylife.com
Other included sources linked in Mr. Healthy Life’s article:
Some additional links regarding good fats are:
Featured image source: www.mrhealthylife.com

Drink This Green Beverage Every Day And Your Body Will Be Cleaned Of Toxins!

In the event that you need to convey your waistline to flawlessness while improving your blood and fundamentally lessen cholesterol, we have the right answer for you.
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Ingredients required:

  • 2.2 lbs / 1 kg of lemons
  • Little bit of baking soda
  • 3 bunches of parsley
  • 50 oz / 1.5 liters of water

Technique for preparation:

Initially, wash the lemons. Do this by rubbing baking soda onto them. Give them a chance to absorb cool water for 60 minutes thereafter.

Next, heat up 1.5 liters of water and let it cool. Slash the lemons and parsley and include them in the cold water.

Let the subsequent blend stay in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Mix the blend a short time later and store it in a cold area.

Method for consuming:

Consume 100 ml of this blend daily. Keep in mind to consume it on an empty stomach.
How does the drink act?

Parsley consists of two groups of unique ingredients:

Aromatic oils, in view of which it smells unequivocally and flavonoids, which take out poisons from the body.

Additionally, parsley animates blood circulation. When you add lemon’s advantages to this, you will get inexplicable refreshment that lessens cholesterol levels quickly.

Source: www.healthyfoodstar.com